Fiber, Fabric, Fashion Returns at Last!
May 14 to June 5
New Hope Arts' showcase of contemporary textile art, fiber installations and fashion and jewelry design, is an invitational exhibition featuring unique artworks and repurposed techniques. 2022 marks the return of this popular exhibition with a month-long exploration of original expressions in fiber art and wearables.
Weekend activities include a gallery talk by contemporary quilter Michael Ross, a 2-day fiber art installation by artist Lisa Sanders, a demonstration by sculptor/fiber artist Katie Truk, and a live fashion photo shoot coordinated by the show's curator, Sandy Morrison.
Schedule of events:
Sat/Sun, May 14 & 15, 12 to 5 pm: Fiber art installation by artist Lisa Sanders.
Sat, May 21, 1 to 4 pm: Live fashion photo shoot coordinated by curator Sandy Morrison.
Sun, May 22, 1 to 4 pm: Demonstration by sculptor/fiber artist Katie Truk.
Sat, May 28, 2 to 3 pm: Gallery talk by contemporary quilter Michael Ross.
All events are open to the public free of charge. Gallery Hours: Friday, Saturday and Sunday Noon to 5 PM