It's Been a Year.... Juried Virtual Exhibition of Commentary and Reflection

It's Been a Year...

 Virtual Exhibition of Commentary and Reflection   March 2021

view the virtual exhibition here 

No doubt 2020 has challenged. Pandemics, political strife, injustice and violence only begin to explain the unspoken emotional content.

Through all of this uncharted experience, creative people found new inspiration and transformed the negatives into positive expression for all of us to experience. Artists found inspiration and a voice to share in virtual channels which were the only vehicle available for some of the last months. Here is a capsule is of past experiences.

Awards for creative response to the theme of this exhibition funded by

NHArts Exhibition Fund


Marc Schimsky I Found a Quiet Warmth

Cheryl Bomba Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?

Alan Ginsberg Sidewalk Art

Elise Dodeles When We Meet Again

Basia Andrusko Red Roses and Stars