Anthropoceneans -Emerging Arts Exhibition

2nd W. Paul Beckwith Emerging Artists Exhibition    closes Friday April 29th



The Anthropoceneans, 23  Brooklyn artists, present a thought provoking exhibition, addressing issues confronting our modern era through video, sculpture, painting, installation and printmaking. The exhibition, conceived and curated by Jacob Hicks offers an urban view point of concerns about our current planetary epoch, the Anthropocene, and the effect of human activity on Earth.

Notes from the curator Jacob Hicks:

"The building impact of over-population, global warming from the burning of fossil fuels and cattle farming, deforestation, oceanic acidification, biological degradation from non-native flora and fauna accidently or purposefully imported through human migration, monocultural farming, and the use of pesticides on agriculture is as damaging to our delicate biological, geological, and chemically structured planet as the cosmic collision that destroyed the dinosaurs. We have entered into the sixth mass extinction event that has taken place in the expanse of all life history which is the ultimate result of human activity on Earth.

The current planetary epoch, called the Anthropocene, is a sea change for cultural progression, proving that the 19th and 20th century western perspective of progress through industrialization and globalization leads to a biological unraveling rather than to a furthering of the species.

This group of artists, through the use of video, sculpture, painting, drawing, installation, and photography, will exhibit works whose resonate nature speaks of this current period. We are the Anthropoceneans."


Fransesc Ruiz Abad

Kiley Ames

Logan Criley

David Deng

Alexandra Evans 

Jacob Hicks

Kyle Hockaday

Jorge Ibarra

Mat Jones

Justine Kablack

Daniel Kent

Anna Kiljunen

Aenea Liang

Christopher Lin

Eric Lotzer

Eric Mavko

Colin Oulighan

Matthew Day Perez

Jessica Rosen

Evan Ross

Kaitlyn Stubbs

Xiwen Zhu

Calder Zwicky